Butterfly Conservation
Saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch
Celebrating our 40th Anniversary!
1982 - 2022
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2023 Annual Butterfly Report

The branch would like to thank everyone who sent in records in 2023, which really do make a positive difference when it comes to making informed conservation decisions. Whether your contribution is the occasional record, contribution to a transect that is walked week in and week out, or participation in an organised effort such as the Garden Butterfly Survey, your records are very much appreciated.

2023 Summary

Below is a summary of 2023, with links to individual species provided below. In the tetrad coverage chart (a tetrad is an area of 2 km by 2 km), the darker the circle, the greater the recording effort, based on a logarithmic scale. This methodology better illustrates the 'cold spots' that require more targeted effort in coming field seasons. If you would like more information regarding unrecorded tetrads then please contact the County Butterfly Recorder.

#Records 150,860
#Individuals 555,895
#Tetrads (populated) 1,061
#Species 49
#Recorders 4,531

Tetrad Coverage

Highslide JS

Unrecorded Tetrads

Highslide JS

Species (ordered by populated tetrads)

Vernacular Name #Tetrads #Records #Individuals #Earliest Record #Latest Record 
Red Admiral95314,78641,6332/1/202330/12/2023
Small White89013,31740,78515/2/20237/11/2023
Meadow Brown88416,963135,66721/5/202324/10/2023
Large White88111,70030,1592/4/20237/11/2023
Holly Blue7237,16813,01327/3/202315/11/2023
Common Blue6965,18913,90225/4/202318/10/2023
Speckled Wood6689,29617,9892/4/202315/11/2023
Small Copper5862,8074,6867/4/20237/11/2023
Green-veined White5272,5204,3426/4/202317/10/2023
Marbled White5103,49721,84230/5/202321/8/2023
Small Tortoiseshell5061,5452,3866/2/20237/11/2023
Painted Lady4821,3432,0029/4/20237/11/2023
Small Skipper3421,7158,1104/6/202310/9/2023
Large Skipper3142,0767,35022/5/202322/8/2023
Small Heath3013,23111,1967/5/20233/10/2023
Brown Argus2371,9276,3837/5/20239/10/2023
Silver-washed Fritillary2271,7164,77715/6/20235/9/2023
Essex Skipper1353781,14111/6/202316/8/2023
White Admiral1165311,19113/6/202320/8/2023
Silver-studded Blue1008618,9536/6/202328/8/2023
Green Hairstreak8823343120/4/202327/6/2023
Clouded Yellow8515820223/3/202324/10/2023
Dark Green Fritillary825311,70714/6/20234/9/2023
Purple Hairstreak7718344514/6/20232/9/2023
Small Blue674652,09416/5/202315/9/2023
Dingy Skipper663641,20020/4/20232/9/2023
Chalk Hill Blue611,01915,15529/6/202329/9/2023
Grizzled Skipper5830993020/4/202322/6/2023
Brown Hairstreak4214992219/7/202325/9/2023
Duke of Burgundy291226457/4/20239/6/2023
White-letter Hairstreak296927010/6/20236/8/2023
Adonis Blue282841,05417/5/202329/9/2023
Purple Emperor275917022/6/202323/7/2023
Glanville Fritillary1812672416/5/202329/6/2023
Silver-spotted Skipper156926825/7/202314/9/2023
Marsh Fritillary125336413/5/202326/6/2023
Pearl-bordered Fritillary1021291210/5/202314/6/2023
Large Tortoiseshell1011113/4/202317/7/2023
Long-tailed Blue5134012/9/202324/10/2023
Camberwell Beauty11124/6/202324/6/2023

Species (ordered by taxonomic classification)

Family Subfamily Genus Species Vernacular Name Checklist No.
HesperiidaePyrginaeErynnistagesDingy Skipper57.001
HesperiidaePyrginaePyrgusmalvaeGrizzled Skipper57.002
HesperiidaeHesperiinaeThymelicuslineolaEssex Skipper57.005
HesperiidaeHesperiinaeThymelicussylvestrisSmall Skipper57.006
HesperiidaeHesperiinaeHesperiacommaSilver-spotted Skipper57.008
HesperiidaeHesperiinaeOchlodessylvanusLarge Skipper57.009
PieridaePierinaePierisbrassicaeLarge White58.006
PieridaePierinaePierisrapaeSmall White58.007
PieridaePierinaePierisnapiGreen-veined White58.008
PieridaeColiadinaeColiascroceusClouded Yellow58.010
NymphalidaeSatyrinaeParargeaegeriaSpeckled Wood59.003
NymphalidaeSatyrinaeCoenonymphapamphilusSmall Heath59.005
NymphalidaeSatyrinaeManiolajurtinaMeadow Brown59.010
NymphalidaeSatyrinaeMelanargiagalatheaMarbled White59.012
NymphalidaeHeliconiinaeBoloriaeuphrosynePearl-bordered Fritillary59.014
NymphalidaeHeliconiinaeBoloriaseleneSmall Pearl-bordered Fritillary59.015
NymphalidaeHeliconiinaeArgynnispaphiaSilver-washed Fritillary59.017
NymphalidaeHeliconiinaeSpeyeriaaglajaDark Green Fritillary59.019
NymphalidaeLimenitidinaeLimenitiscamillaWhite Admiral59.021
NymphalidaeApaturinaeApaturairisPurple Emperor59.022
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeVanessaatalantaRed Admiral59.023
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeVanessacarduiPainted Lady59.024
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeAglaisurticaeSmall Tortoiseshell59.027
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeNymphalisantiopaCamberwell Beauty59.028
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeNymphalispolychlorosLarge Tortoiseshell59.029
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeEuphydryasauriniaMarsh Fritillary59.033
NymphalidaeNymphalinaeMelitaeacinxiaGlanville Fritillary59.034
RiodinidaeRiodininaeHamearislucinaDuke of Burgundy60.001
LycaenidaeLycaeninaeLycaenaphlaeasSmall Copper61.001
LycaenidaeTheclinaeTheclabetulaeBrown Hairstreak61.003
LycaenidaeTheclinaeFavoniusquercusPurple Hairstreak61.004
LycaenidaeTheclinaeCallophrysrubiGreen Hairstreak61.005
LycaenidaeTheclinaeSatyriumw-albumWhite-letter Hairstreak61.006
LycaenidaePolyommatinaeCupidominimusSmall Blue61.010
LycaenidaePolyommatinaeCelastrinaargiolusHolly Blue61.012
LycaenidaePolyommatinaePlebejusargusSilver-studded Blue61.014
LycaenidaePolyommatinaeAriciaagestisBrown Argus61.015
LycaenidaePolyommatinaePolyommatusicarusCommon Blue61.018
LycaenidaePolyommatinaePolyommatusbellargusAdonis Blue61.019
LycaenidaePolyommatinaePolyommatuscoridonChalk Hill Blue61.020

Transect Trends

The data in the table below table is based on 164 transects across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

The Branch is very fortunate to have a network of dedicated transect recorders, and we'd like to express our grateful thanks to all involved.

Please Note

The aggregated data represents individual butterflies recorded on transect, and because of the consistent methodology, gives the most accurate measure of change in population size from one year to the next for common species. It must be recognised, however, that the figures presented are only of actual butterflies recorded, and do not include estimates for missed weeks. As a consequence, those species with short flight periods, and rarer species recorded on few transects, may be significantly affected by missed weeks due to bad weather. Bear this in mind when making a comparison between one year and another.

The percentage change values (from transect data) are not included for species poorly represented on transect, as there is too little data to generate meaningful figures. The species affected in this way are: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (possibly now extinct in H&IOW), Purple Emperor, Marsh Fritillary, Glanville Fritillary, Brown Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak, and White-letter Hairstreak. For these species, a better measure of performance in one year relative to another is the total number of records and individuals received from all sources, although it must be recognised that such data are not collected in a consistent way, and will be greatly affected by the weather and recorder effort.

Although transect data offers the most consistent approach to monitoring change in butterfly numbers, total records received from all sources benefits from the greater volume of data. When using the online report to interpret overall change for a given species from one year to the next it is recommended that the figures from both the transect data and total records are jointly evaluated.

Tetrad data based on all records received is the best measure of distributional change of a species from one year to the next and over longer time periods. This is based on all data received.

Species 2023 Count 2022 Count 2023 Combined Transect Trend
Adonis Blue514457+12%
Brown Argus41041205+240%
Chalk Hill Blue749612979-42%
Clouded Yellow34223-84%
Common Blue68856062+13%
Dark Green Fritillary13801521-9%
Dingy Skipper409633-35%
Duke of Burgundy5693-39%
Essex Skipper651351+85%
Green Hairstreak172213-19%
Green-veined White21402636-18%
Grizzled Skipper295253+16%
Holly Blue46171339+244%
Large Skipper55213068+79%
Large White75485135+46%
Marbled White1396510369+34%
Meadow Brown8713051749+68%
Painted Lady391437-10%
Pearl-bordered Fritillary480350+37%
Red Admiral100791417+611%
Silver-spotted Skipper46109-57%
Silver-studded Blue57065540+2%
Silver-washed Fritillary34503502-1%
Small Blue1178908+29%
Small Copper1667489+240%
Small Heath70324723+48%
Small Skipper36782587+42%
Small Tortoiseshell501905-44%
Small White143198832+62%
Small/Essex Skipper76055560+36%
Speckled Wood101949530+6%
Wall Brown134214-37%
White Admiral653570+14%