Butterfly Conservation
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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch
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2023 Annual Butterfly Report

Green Hairstreak

Callophrys rubi

Checklist Number
61.005 [B&F: 1555]


Authority:(Linnaeus, 1758)


The Green Hairstreak holds its wings closed, except in flight, showing only the green underside with its faint white streak. The extent of this white marking is very variable; it is frequently reduced to a few white dots and may be almost absent. Males and females look similar and are most readily told apart by their behaviour: rival males may be seen in a spiralling flight close to shrubs, while the less conspicuous females are more often encountered while laying eggs.

Records Summary

#Records #Individuals Earliest Record Latest Record
All Records8,24617,19329/03/201230/07/2007

Records Detail (2023)

Site Date Quantity
EarliestMagdalen Hill Down Original transect: Section 1020/4/20232
LatestMagdalen Hill Down (Tree & Shrub East) transect: Section 327/6/20231
Max CountStockbridge Down24/5/202320

Records Distribution (2023)

Highslide JS

Records / Recorders by Year (1970-2023)

Records by Week (2023)