Butterfly Conservation
Saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch
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2023 Annual Butterfly Report


Aphantopus hyperantus

Checklist Number
59.009 [B&F: 1629]


Authority:(Linnaeus, 1758)


When newly emerged, the Ringlet has a velvety appearance and is almost black, with a white fringe to the wings. The small circles on the underwings, which give the butterfly its name, vary in number and size and may be enlarged and elongated or reduced to small white spots; occasionally they lack the black ring. Bramble and Wild Privet flowers are favourite nectar sources, and adults continue to fly with a characteristic bobbing flight in dull, cloudy conditions when most other butterflies are inactive.

Records Summary

#Records #Individuals Earliest Record Latest Record
All Records70,297439,54124/05/201611/10/2011

Records Detail (2023)

Site Date Quantity
EarliestMartin Down Kitts Grave transect: Section 44/6/20231
LatestThe Holt transect: Section 43/9/20231
Max CountWest Wood7/7/2023134

Records Distribution (2023)

Highslide JS

Records / Recorders by Year (1970-2023)

Records by Week (2023)