Butterfly Conservation
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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch
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2023 Annual Butterfly Report

Small Copper

Lycaena phlaeas

Checklist Number
61.001 [B&F: 1561]


Authority:(Linnaeus, 1761)


The Small Copper is usually seen in ones and twos, but in some years large numbers may be found at good sites. Males are territorial, often choosing a piece of bare ground or a stone on which to bask and await passing females. They behave aggressively towards any passing insects, returning to the same spot when the chase is over. Though it remains a common and widespread species, the Small Copper declined throughout its range during the twentieth century.

Records Summary

#Records #Individuals Earliest Record Latest Record
All Records36,69966,68105/03/200927/11/2003

Records Detail (2023)

Site Date Quantity
EarliestSouthbourne Undercliff7/4/20236
LatestSouthbourne Undercliff7/11/20231
Max CountStockbridge Down7/10/202336

Records Distribution (2023)

Highslide JS

Records / Recorders by Year (1970-2023)

Records by Week (2023)