Butterfly Conservation
Saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch
Celebrating our 40th Anniversary!
1982 - 2022
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2023 Annual Butterfly Report

Small Heath

Coenonympha pamphilus

Checklist Number
59.005 [B&F: 1627]


Authority:(Linnaeus, 1758)


The Small Heath is an inconspicuous butterfly that flies only in sunshine and rarely settles more than a metre above the ground. Its wings are always kept closed when at rest. The number of broods and the flight periods are variable and adults may be seen continuously from late April to September on some sites in our area. This relatively widespread butterfly can occupy a range of habitat types and, although its range has changed little, many colonies have disappeared in recent decades.

Records Summary

#Records #Individuals Earliest Record Latest Record
All Records68,777275,83508/04/199729/10/2011

Records Detail (2023)

Site Date Quantity
EarliestBroughton Down 2 transect: Section 87/5/20231
LatestBury Hill transect: Section 53/10/20231
Max CountStockbridge Down22/8/2023173

Records Distribution (2023)

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Records / Recorders by Year (1970-2023)

Records by Week (2023)