Bradley & Fletcher No.: 1601
Agassiz No.: 59.014
Pearl-bordered Fritillary by David Green Pearl-bordered Fritillary distribution This is one of the earliest fritillaries to emerge and can be found as early as April in woodland clearings or rough hillsides with bracken. It flies close to the ground, stopping regularly to feed on spring flowers such as Bugle. It can be distinguished from the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary by the two large silver 'pearls' and row of seven outer 'pearls' on the underside hind wing, and also the red (as opposed to black) chevrons around the outer pearls and the small central spot on the hind wing. The butterfly was once very widespread but has declined rapidly in recent decades, and is now highly threatened in England and Wales. |
More detailed information on this species can be found on the UK Butterflies website.